#if __DESIGNER_DATA #error Do not define __DESIGNER_DATA. #endif // __DESIGNER_DATA [Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.BPELExportable(false)]
The orchestration can be onpend right clicking on it in the Solution Explorer selecting "Open With..." and then selecting "BizTalk Orchestration Designer (Default)".
This behaviour is annoying and I wanted to fix it. As usual Google is your friend.
I found this blog giving me the solution: http://jeremiedevillard.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/biztalk-tip-open-orchestration-after-edit-using-xml-editor/
This problem was apparently created by someone manually editing the orchestrations using an XML editor.
The fix is to open project file (.btproj) in a text editor. Find the section similar to this:
<ItemGroup>Delete the <SubType> element and save your changes. Now the orchestration should open as normal.
<XLang Include="MyOrch.odx">
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